
CTG Put All 96 Hydro Turbine Units Into Operation Recently


China Three Gorges Corporation (CTG) has announced that its six cascade hydropower plants along the main stream of the Yangtze River put all of their 96 power units into operation on 7 July as part of its efforts to meet the peak demand of the grid in the summer, the first time that all the power generators have been in operation simultaneously.

The total power generated from the cascade hydropower plants – Three Gorges, Gezhouba, Xiluodu, Xiangjiaba, Wudongde and Baihetan – reached 52GW on the day.

The total power generated by the cascade power stations from June 11 to July 6 reached 17.85 billion kWh, securing electricity supply in Guangdong and Zhejiang provinces. With all the power units of Wudongde hydropower plant and the first units of Baihetan hydropower in operation, CTG now has six hydropower plants on the main stream of Yangtze River, with a total of 96 power units and a total installed capacity of 57.695GW as of June, up from 45.495GW at the beginning of last year.

CTG also recently announced that the tailrace fish collection and transport system at its Wudongde hydropower plant captured 10,000 wild fish in the Jinsha River between April and July 5, with a daily collection of nearly 2000 fish.

The fixed fish collection and transport system was installed at the tailrace outlet to protect the aquatic life in the Jinsha River and help the migration of rare and endemic fish in the area of Wudongde hydropower plant. The system, the first of its kind in China, has collected 45 species of fish so far, reaching its design objective and initially validating its feasibility.



Water Turbine Design for Small Scale Hydro Energy

                                                  https://www.boland-hydroturbine.com/ Selecting the Best Type of Water Turbine Design Selecting the best type of water turbine design for your particular situation often depends on the amount of head and flow rate that is available at your particular location and whether it is at the side of a river or stream, or the water is to be channelled or piped directly to your location. Other factors include whether you want an enclosed “reaction turbine design” such as the Francis turbine or an open “impulse turbine design”, such as the Pelton turbine as well as the speed of rotation of your proposed electrical generator. By analysing all of these factors together you can get some indication of what type of  Water Turbine Design  may work best for your particular situation. Knowing the difference between a Pelton and Francis turbine for example, will help make the choice easier. The following table gives a basic idea of which particul

Types of Hydropower Plants

                                                   There are three types of hydropower facilities: impoundment, diversion, and pumped storage. Some hydropower plants use dams and some do not. The images below show both types of hydropower plants. MPOUNDMENT The most common type of hydroelectric power plant is an impoundment facility. An impoundment facility, typically a large hydropower system, uses a dam to store river water in a reservoir. Water released from the reservoir flows through a turbine, spinning it, which in turn activates a generator to produce electricity. The water may be released either to meet changing electricity needs or to maintain a constant reservoir level.                                                www.boland-hydroturbine.com DIVERSION A diversion, sometimes called run-of-river, facility channels a portion of a river through a canal or penstock. It may not require the use of a dam. PUMPED STORAGE Another type of hydropower called pumped

Hydropower, the only solution for cheapest power generation

                                                 https://www.boland-hydroturbine.com/ Hydropower has the lowest life-cycle cost of any power generation technology. Hydropower is a potential life-saver for Pakistan. Yet its development has been hampered for decades. Hence, only 15 percent of Pakistan’s over 60,000MW hydropower potential has been developed in 70 years. Hydropower plants power generation can give a country economy a new path of progress. Despite initial costs and long gestation periods, hydropower plants have almost no fuel cost and have operational lives of over a century. New hydropwer plants generate electricity at Rs6-10 per unit compared to thermal power plants’ Rs15-25 per unit. All other power-generating technologies have up to 30 years of project life and need up to four times expensive plant replacements in foreign exchange. Wind and solar technologies are solely dependent on the weather. They can at best supplement but not replace hydropower which, amo