
Bill Gates-led Fund Invests in Startup That Built a New Hydropower Turbine

Hydropower—converting moving water into energy—is the single biggest source of clean power in the world, but relies on a 200-year-old technology that hasn't changed all that much. Natel Energy Inc., a California-based hydro power startup, has developed a new turbine that updates that technology, and now the company is raising $11 million in a funding round led by Schneider Electric Ventures and Breakthrough Energy Ventures, a fund helmed by Bill Gates.
The turbine lowers the construction cost of power plants, because it requires less cement and steel. It also allows for safer passage for fish, which has become a stringent environmental regulation for these types of projects in both the U.S. and Europe.
Natel Energy was started by two engineers and siblings, Gia and Abe Schneider (no direct connection to Schneider Electric). Before founding the company in 2009, the Schneiders worked in the energy industry. Gia worked on the commodities trading desk at Credit Suisse and Abe worked for Makani, a Google-funded startup that used kites to convert wind energy into electricity. 
In 2019, Natel began operating its first hydropower plant in Maine, converting a former mill into producing 50 kilowatts of electricity (enough to power 30 homes). The startup is building another power plant in Virigina and has received approval for a third in Oregon. Chief Executive Officer Gia Schneider said she was hoping that the coronavirus pandemic wouldn’t affect the construction timelines, but couldn’t be sure. Additionally, the U.S. developer Symbion Power will be using Natel’s turbine at a micro-grid project in Rwanda. 
Though not always cheaper, hydropower can be complementary to much cheaper solar and wind power—providing much more reliable power even when the sun isn’t shining and the wind doesn’t blow. The U.S. Department of Energy estimates that the country has the potential to supply more than 50,000 megawatts through the use of small hydro power and about 4,300 megawatts simply through upgrading existing infrastructure.

Breakthrough Energy Ventures aims to invest in startups that are each capable of cutting emissions by 500 million metric tons annually. The fund's investors include Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon Inc., and Masayoshi Son, founder of SoftBank Group Corp. Michael Bloomberg, the founder and majority owner of Bloomberg LP, is a backer of Breakthrough.
Bloomberg Green



Water Turbine Design for Small Scale Hydro Energy

                                                  https://www.boland-hydroturbine.com/ Selecting the Best Type of Water Turbine Design Selecting the best type of water turbine design for your particular situation often depends on the amount of head and flow rate that is available at your particular location and whether it is at the side of a river or stream, or the water is to be channelled or piped directly to your location. Other factors include whether you want an enclosed “reaction turbine design” such as the Francis turbine or an open “impulse turbine design”, such as the Pelton turbine as well as the speed of rotation of your proposed electrical generator. By analysing all of these factors together you can get some indication of what type of  Water Turbine Design  may work best for your particular situation. Knowing the difference between a Pelton and Francis turbine for example, will help make the choice easier. The following table gives a basic idea of which particul

Types of Hydropower Plants

                                                   There are three types of hydropower facilities: impoundment, diversion, and pumped storage. Some hydropower plants use dams and some do not. The images below show both types of hydropower plants. MPOUNDMENT The most common type of hydroelectric power plant is an impoundment facility. An impoundment facility, typically a large hydropower system, uses a dam to store river water in a reservoir. Water released from the reservoir flows through a turbine, spinning it, which in turn activates a generator to produce electricity. The water may be released either to meet changing electricity needs or to maintain a constant reservoir level.                                                www.boland-hydroturbine.com DIVERSION A diversion, sometimes called run-of-river, facility channels a portion of a river through a canal or penstock. It may not require the use of a dam. PUMPED STORAGE Another type of hydropower called pumped

Hydropower, the only solution for cheapest power generation

                                                 https://www.boland-hydroturbine.com/ Hydropower has the lowest life-cycle cost of any power generation technology. Hydropower is a potential life-saver for Pakistan. Yet its development has been hampered for decades. Hence, only 15 percent of Pakistan’s over 60,000MW hydropower potential has been developed in 70 years. Hydropower plants power generation can give a country economy a new path of progress. Despite initial costs and long gestation periods, hydropower plants have almost no fuel cost and have operational lives of over a century. New hydropwer plants generate electricity at Rs6-10 per unit compared to thermal power plants’ Rs15-25 per unit. All other power-generating technologies have up to 30 years of project life and need up to four times expensive plant replacements in foreign exchange. Wind and solar technologies are solely dependent on the weather. They can at best supplement but not replace hydropower which, amo