The four hydropower projects—671-megawatt (MW) Shweli (3) hydropower project, 280-megawatt (MW) Upper Yehwa hydropower project, 111-megawatt (MW) Thahtay hydropower project and 51-megawatt (MW) Upper Kyaingtaung hydropower project—will continue implementations during 2019-2020 fiscal years, said a source from the Ministry of Electricity and Energy. The projects we will continue implementing during 2019-2020 FY include 622.38 miles of 66-KV power lines, 22 66-KV sub-power plants, 132-KV, 230-KV, 500-KV, 1488.15 miles of power lines, 25 sub-power plants, 23-megawatt Myanaung natural gas-fired power plant, 152-megawatt Ale Paunglaung hydropower project, 671-megawatt (MW) Shweli (3) hydropower project, 280-megawatt (MW) Upper Yehwa yydropower project, 111-megawatt (MW) Thahtay hydropowe...